Health at Home
25 Haziran 2020

evdesaglikhizmetleri.pngYou can apply for home health care at 444 38 33.



Home health services, they live with the families of patients who are fully dependent on the bed in the home environment rather than patient diagnosis diagnosed, treatment-related kliniklerce arranged, treatment, monitoring, implementation and serves the dependants or relatives of the patient duty by providing training on this subject. Our unit only serves during working hours on weekdays and by appointment system.


The general examination is carried out by the physician of the Home Health Services Unit and it is decided whether or not to benefit from home health services.


It is done by the Home Health Services Unit to conduct the necessary examinations of the patients who are followed, to provide training on the correct use of the drugs used continuously, to follow up, to renew the medical supplies and delegation reports, to make dressing if there is a bed wound and to provide training on this subject to the people responsible for




Chronic disease in the hospital due to continuous inpatient treatment and post-discharge examination follow-up needs,

Bedridden patients (Alzheimer's, dementia, stroke, etc.) who are unable to walk and are dependent on the bed and unable to meet their special needs.),

The mentally retarded ( mental retardation ) contacts,

Advanced cancer patients,




People who want to receive home health care can visit their family physicians, Community Health Centers and hospitals in person or by telephone through their relatives.

They can apply via the Provincial Health Directorate Home Health Services Coordination Center at 444 home ( 444 38 33 ) line.

112 emergency ambulance service is required for patients with new diseases and emergencies..